Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Watercolor is our friend

It is time for......................
Students now that we have experimented with watercolor in class it is now in your hands to research some watercolor artists and techniques. You need to find a watercolor artist either on a website or on youtube and paste that link here on the blog. After you paste that link under it you should have journal notes that include:
  • Description of the techniques the artist used and their style.
  • How long the artist has been painting.
  • Your thoughts and comments on the artist.
     Then it will be your turn to TRY IT!!!! In your sketchbooks you will try the technique(s) you learned from the artist you researched using watercolor.
Journal notes in sketchbooks include:
  • Your final thoughts on your piece and how the artist influenced your work.
Take a deep breath and enjoy the experience of watercolor!!! :)


Jordon said...

Joan McKasson watercolor artist.

she has been doing this for many years now.

she likes to let the watercolors go off the paper.

she loves color. she loves tbe sun. she really likes her watercolor paintings. she paints her garden when she has free time. she paints flowers.

I think she is every good for what she is doing right now. i really like her paintings.

Nicole said...

Paul Cezanne's techniques for watercolor painting:
He relied on subtle overlapping washes
The white of the paper was important element to his pieces
Applied colors pure, rarely mixed them to allowing the colors to merge into additional colors

Paul Cezanne painted for most of his life.

I like Paul Cezanne's variety of different paintings. He didn't just paint one specific thing. For ex. he painted people, still lifes and landscapes.

Sadie said...

Julia Swartz has been painting for over 30 years. In her paintings she uses light to frame certain features, in the brightest spots and certain sections she just leaves it white. I liked how Julia paints, especially they way she does shadow.

Whitney said...

Peter Huntoon

When Peter is working on a painting, he takes lots of time to plan and then creates the painting quickly. His paintings portray the landscapes of New England and its people.

He has been a watercolor painter since 1994.

I like the blocky style Peter uses when portraying his landscapes. He doesn't try to make his paintings look as smooth and detailed as possible, but yet they are recongnizable landmarks. I also enjoy the color schemes he uses.

Corissa Hetzel said...

These are all so wonderful!! Great job everyone on getting this assignment done. :)